

Overall Plan for this Course

PLAN, cont.,

The Imagined Flow in any given class:


goal: gift to future you; collaborative note space for the course; training corpus for our very own use-locally hist4805 AI

OK, Now On With The Show

Do humanists need to know how to code?

it depends. And bricolage & close reading can get you a long way

...and at any rate, Schmidt asked, do we need to understand algorithms?

It is good and useful for humanists to be able to push and prod at algorithmic black boxes when the underlying algorithms are inaccessible or overly complex. But when they are reduced to doing so, the first jo... should be to understand the goals and agendas of the transformations and systems that algorithms serve so that we can be creative users of new ideas, rather than users of tools the purposes of which we decline to know.

What follows would make a mathematician or computer scientist cringe.

That's ok.

The goal is digestible understanding for now that might lead you into deeper engagement later

How does language work?

Is it grammars? Is it structure?

A lot can be achieved through simple distributions of probabilities

But what probabilities?


coloured balls from a bag:

  • take a ball out, throw it away, what's the p that the colour is red?
  • take a ball out, look at it, put it back in, what's the p that the colour is red?

situation 1: probability changes over time situation 2: probability remains same over time

Andrey Markov


This is a model of language. 'A' is a phrase. 'B' is a phrase. What is the probability that A transitions to B in two moves?

Move to B in two moves?

Stay on A in two moves?

Green Eggs and Ham as Source for a Language Model



Language can be modeled this way. A model might assume that the word 'cat' is always followed by the word 'walk' and it doesn't matter how many times you use the word cat, the highest probability next word will be 'walk'.

objection! If I'm not writing about theatres - with catwalks - or writing about how cats walk - a cat walk - I'd never write those two words together

objection! I'm a great writer, and if I use the phrase once, I'll use something different to describe a similar situation

Yes. Context matters. And that can be modeled through different mechanisms


Everything after this is elaboration and greater and greater complexity. Individual 'neurons' in eg a neural network trained on images might respond to edges, areas of flat colour, etc.

Ideas around Neural networks, markov chains, along with parallel computation and attention mechanisms, give us a large language models

A vector is a direction in space.

Add a third element, and we know something more about these two places

Word position in language can be expressed this way. Similar words occupy similar positions in word space



You can use neural networks to turn distributions of words into a large language model

You can fine tune the last few layers of a large language model with the patterns of word use in a corpus you're interested in, see Chantal Brousseau's tutorial

When LLM first came out, we interacted with them through completion ; it wasn't very popular

Slapping a chat-interface on top (which is what OpenAI did), and inserting several more layers of different kind of training between the 'foundation' model and the user interface (adding more human context through reinforcement learning where a human says 'good' or 'bad' in terms of the output produced through completion) leads to the current moment.

Gives us stochastic parrots

For next time: