Your Notes
Week 1
Week 2
Language models can only write poetry - Allison Parish (TO)
Week 3
What Is ChatGPT Doing… And Why Does it Work - Stephen Wolfram (TO)
Thought Experiment in the National Library of Thailand - Emily Bender (TO)
Bender, Haigh, Other Observations (A)
Week 4
There Was No ‘First AI Winter’ - Thomas Haigh (TO)
Sept 30 - The Map is not the Territory
The map and the territory - artificial inelligence being taken as actual intelligence
Week 5
weel 5 garden and discussion notes
detailed instructions about building a website with this template
- Write your notes as text files, and save them as .md.
- Name your files along the pattern
- If you want to link to a note already existing, you just need to visit the note and copy the filename; then you can write the link in markdown like so:
I like [this idea](smg-ExampleNoteFile-2023-11-22)
To contribute your own notes:
- Fork this repo - right-click here, open in new window
- Click on the 'notes' folder
- Drag-n-drop your notes onto that folder.
- Hit the commit button.
- Make a pull request to me.
We will walk through this in class a few times so you get the hang of it.