- How we frame AI and talk about it and the religious undertones that emerge
- TESCREAL folks applying religious ideologies to AI and surrounding discourse Good/evil, heaven/hell, sin/penance, end of the world/final damnation, etc.
- Parallels between early Christian councils and edicts with conversations surrounding AI, its usage, its power, etc.
- What will be the orthodoxy or heresy of AI? Is it only to be bound to search engines and being implemented as chatbots, or summarizing comment sections on Facebook posts so I don't need to use any critical thinking skills?
Old Index
I got a bit out of step in adding your notes under appropriate weekly headings somewhere around the last quarter of the term...
Week 1
Week 2
Language models can only write poetry - Allison Parish (TO)
[[note on
About These Notes
Your Notes
I used a topic model to index your notes...
Topic 1: language model models word words text chatgpt make based human probability meaning produce poetry work probabilities experiment understanding understand neural
- [[Fr